Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Blog 9

December saw the internal lime plastering of the gallery areas. After Ben had done the "dubbing out" to fill in holes and depressions, Ian and Daryl arrived to plaster. They first put on a "scratch coat" of 1:3 Chardstock sand to Hydraulic lime.

When this coat had hardened sufficiently, they put on a "float coat" of the same mix.

When that had hardened, they put on the “finish coat” – a mixture of silver sand with lime putty. This was then trowelled up to a fine finish. The lime plaster has been applied to follow the undulations of the old walls, and finished around features such as beams and fireplaces.

The use of lime not only replicates the original internal finish, but allows the walls to “breath”. This not only allows any moisture in the walls to evaporate, but also, helps control humidity levels in the building, taking moisture in when humid, and giving it back when dry. Accoustically, lime plaster, being less hard than modern gypsum plasters, gives less "echo" to the room.
I have started on the rubble wall to separate the new piece of land from the neighbour. I am building it with reclaimed stone from the site in the traditional manner with facing stones on each side and rubble in the middle. I am building it with a weak mix of Chardstock sand and cement as the weather is not suitable for lime. I shall, however, point up with a lime mix when the weather improves in the spring.